far back as I can remember, dad would be at his desk of an evening,
typing away at his next bit of writing.
He invariably disturbed our
television viewing with his hammering, rattling and thumping, until the
time came when he
set himself up in a separate room.

was continually 'not to be
disturbed' in our house in Broughton Street and it was only on moving to
Poltonhall that his long-suffering wife had to once again endure the
clatter of his portable typewriter as we then didn't have a separate room for him to hide in.
Much of his invention was published in various newspapers and magazines over the years, about which he was inordinately proud. We all were too really.
I'm sure, if
he was
still around, he'd
be pleased to see his name, and his works, up on the Internet.
Not all he ever wrote is listed here, just what I could easily access and have a liking for. I hope all readers enjoy his poems and verses as much as I myself do. I'd be pleased to hear any comments, or receive hints on typos. Also if you'd like to hear when I add more, please let me know and I'll make sure you do.
Caroline James Mackie
(his youngest daughter)