Some of dad's published stuff is really rather wonderful... some isn't. Some is written using 'the Doric', some is not (or rather, some is in the vernacular - Scots - some is in plain (proper?) English). I've listed and linked what I can find here - these are from 'Whit Rare it Wis' - in no particular order of publication or preference, although I've tried to group similar subject matter. Click each title to see the whole verse. All copyright reserved © WORK IN PROGRESS... first column is all posted, 2nd and 3rd only partially, 16/5/11
- A'll Bide awhile
- Haircut, Sir?
- Educating Father
- Familiar Things
- Dry-stane Dyke
- On Discovering A Mole
- The varmints
- November's no bad
- Change of name?
- Far-away Places
- Overtime
- Dad's Job
- Night Shift Over
- Gairdens
- Dream Scene
- The Bairns are Happit
- The Advertiser
- The Tartan Rug

- Damhead Farm - A Motor Works
- The Weather
- Smallholder
- The Fermer
- Tattie Patch
- Things Tae Come?
- Nae Herm in Tryin'
- Whae'd Dae it?
- Season's Greetings
- On looking at a Young Lady's Portrait, 1895