The Bankie Stool
It fairly tak's ye back tae see
a bankie stool fur bairnies wee.
Ye ken the thinkg I mean, nae doot,
whaur boys and girls their pennies put.
They aften had a pented rhyme
(at least that wis the case wi' mine);
“Oor brave sodjer is nae fool,
he slips his pennies in the stool.”

'Twas guid advice, tae me it seems,
encouragin a thrift in weans.
Jist whit wis then their happy lot
when bankie stool wis choc-a-bloc.
Sich coontin' oot, as roon' we sat;
'Twid get a lot, nae fears o' that.
Some treats perhaps? Ae thing I ken,
'Twid last till stool wis fu' again.
Tho' pennies canna buy the day
braw things that we wid like tae hae,
I think we'll mak' new faimily rule,
An' cultivate a bankie stool.