not indicating where the items were published, it's clear to see
that the copy is taken from a newspaper or magazine. CLICK HERE TO SEE the first two pages of 'Whit Rare it Wis', dad's own wee hussled together booklet (clarify that! - hussled together by mum)
that I use to reproduce things here. The dates are
unfortunately also not listed but things
range from the 1940s to the 1970s in both this one and 'It's still Rare' (booklet no. 2).
The little 'STORY FOR CAROLINE' is of course a personal favourite. There are four in total, this is no. 1. All typed up on dad's portable typewriter. They are dated 1961, I was then 6 years old. Strangely, there is nothing particularly Scots about the language used so he obviously didn't want me speaking 'that way'. I still remember 'There's a worm at the bottom of my garden, and his name is Wiggely Woo' :)