Piper's on the Wireless
There's some folk dinnae care tae hear
the bagpipes on the radio;
Tae me they're great, and' fu' o' cheer:
Beats a' that jive an' vo-de-o
Yon grace notes soond sae awfu' sweet
(there's swing enough when chanters blaw);
A'd rin the length o' Princes Street
fur pipin' programme, drums an' a'!
“Switch aff that noise”, they yell wi' scorn'
“gie's Bach”, or some sich ither lark.
Whit better way te start the morn
than keepin' time tae 'Dovecot Park'?

“They're no' right suited”, some folk say.
“Reminds me 'o a banshee's maon”
Eh noo it's rare, an' stirrin' tae
jist hearin' that familiar drone.
Enthralled I sit through strathspey, reel,
then ower the ether comes, belikes,
a pibroch grand; quick march as weel;
I love the wireless... when it's pipes.