Cats are funny things I'm shair.
They're either lost, or in yer hair.
Sae hard, at times, tae understan'.
It makes nae difference, tab or tam.
An' yet I like them weel enough,
lang or short coat, smooth or rough;
There's something' nice aboot a pet
that keeps itsel' sae clea, an' yet...
Inscrutable they are, folks say.
Aloof, standoffish, selfish tae.
They'll no dae tricks like ony dug
(ower fond o' lying on a rug).
They're bonny, aye, tho' fu' o' guile.
Jist watch yin walkin' if ye may.
An' whaur's the chiel that disna' smile
tae see a fluffy kitten play?
It's true they winna gaurd the place,
or fetch ye things, or beg on mats.
But still, they hae a wheen o' grace,
and then, remember noo – they're cats.