Damhead Farm – A Motor Works
Whit changes time has made
At Damheid; mind the byres?
Noo plies a different trade,
(an' maistly rin on tyres).
I stan' an' dumbly stare
whaur stable used tae be.
Big turnip shed ower there,
wis playin' space fur me.
Here's the hoose an' lane,
nae sign o' hen or coo
or horse – it's awfu' tame,
wi' nowt bit cars in view!

Tae mind comes gleefu' cries
as, snugly in the loft,
we'd a' eat Friday pies,
on this auld Gorgie croft.
In field oot-bye I gaze;
noo gaun it's rural charm.
But still A'll mind the days
when Damheid wis a farm.