The Very Dab
A sherbet dab wis aye my bent;
'twis first choice tae wi' chums I kent.
An' second best , we a' agreed
wis wee broon ba's ca'd aniseed.
Doon Gorgie Road (I see it yet),
on Seterdays, we'd be a' set
tae spend oor penny, lass or lad,
on aniseed or sherbet dab.

Ye sucked awa' at licorice stem,
or made a fizzy drink wi' them;
An' efter quaffin' glorious mead,
wid stert the bools c'ad aniseed.
I'l always mind, when I wis wee,
a shop wis no a shop tae me
unless it selt that weekly feed
o' dabs and' broon ba's aniseed.