Dad's Job
I like it fine when a' the kids,
keep rabbits, mice an' guinea pigs.
Sich names they ca' them: Jill an' Fan'.
Whit games wi' cabbage leaves an' bran.
It gies them fun, an' then whit's mair,
a sense o' kindliness a'm shair'
wi' animals that maun be fed,
An' happit up each nicht in bed.

“This yin's Belgian, isn't he spruce?
Next week a'm gaun tae buy a moose.
They's Chinchillas doon below -
noo there's a buck an' that's a doe.”
Rosemary's guinea pigs are shy,
fancy wee things wi' beady eye.
An' multicoloured waistcoats neat,
Richt glossy wi' the stuff they eat.
It's a' sae very nice an' free,
except wan thing that rattles me:
They like their pet – aye, very much,
till “Dad, it's time you cleaned this hutch.”