Things tae come?
(dad would surely have liked to see THIS picture :) )
Hoo will it be I'd like tae guess,
in year twa thoosan', mair or less.
We micht be pals wi' Kremlin folk;
will Teddy boys be bygone joke?
Some sweepin' changes must, I ken,
tak' place richt doon the years, an' then
atomic streamlined bus will glide
'lang Gorgie road wi' muckle pride.

Will there be subways roon' the Mound?
Solution fur haymarket found?
(I'd dearly like auld Wardlaw Street
still te be lookin' spruce and neat).
Whae kens the futur' that's in store?
Ach, tak' nae tenk o' books o' lore
that kid ye on; There's no a yin,
says ”Herts the Scottish cup will win.”