Bathin' the Baby
Circlin’ fireside in their places,
Hamely joy on beamin’ faces,
Brithers, sisters sittin’ ticht,
A’ set – fur baby’s bath at nicht.
Jings! Whit scurryin’ an’ steer,
Warm water’s tested, a’ things’ here,
Noo arrives eventfu’ time;
Oor baby’s bath at ten tae nine.
In the cheery kitchen glow,
Takin’ note on hoo things go,
Rest o’ faimly, watchin’ weel,
(Baby disnae even squeal).
Paw’s there tae, an’ helps a wheen,
Says “Wee lamb’s looking awfu’ clean”.
Dried and’ poodered ower, an’ fed,
Baby’s ready noo fur bed.
Youthful een are poppin’ whiles -
‘Til finish, seems that baby smiles,
As if tae say “A’m daein’ fine;
Aye keep them ‘mused, roon’ ten tae nine”.