The Difference
Young Wull had aye a wish tae write,
An’ shair enough – succeeded weel.
At kitchen table; chair just right,
Wull wrote wee plays that sounded real.
Success begat success sae grand,
Oor Wull shone forth, a poet born,
His rhymes an’ tales in great demand,
A’ ower the place – bath hame and foreign.
As time went by Wull wrote a book;
A hamely thing is wis an’ a’.
‘Twis labour sairly undertook -
Crouched ower his table near the wa’.

Now picture William; author chap,
At bureau in a swivel chair.
A’ newly set in modern flat…
but scribe looks fair nae weel wi’ care.
“They’re shoutin’ ‘Mair’ ”, Wull cries anon,
“By jings, a’m jist no’ able.
I cannae write except on yon
Auld battered kitchen table.”