Peggy's Mill
‘Mang names sae quaint intriguin’ me,
there’s yin ca’d Peggy’s Mill.
Noo whae wis Peggy? There ye see -
My information’s nil.
Wis Peg a miller on her ain;
Or wis oor Peg a he?
Jist hoo did mill receive it’s name -
An’ wis it big, or wee?
It aye pits me in min’ o’ streams
a-gurglin’ past the door.
And stragglin’ trees, an’ rural scenes
fae auld-world books o’ lore.
A hamely tag; I like the soond;
Sae peacefu’, ay, bit still,
a’d like yin day tae wander roond,
the place ca’d Peggy’s Mill.