Cream Ramblin’ Rose
Cream ramblin’ roses, lichtsome, sweet,
are bloomin’ roon oor gairden seat.
Sich charm; enhancin’ a’ the place,
stravaigin’ in profusious grace.
Sae money ither winsome floo’ers,
are fashioned rare, an’ scent the ‘oors.
It’s true I ayewis used tae think,
that naught could touch the dalhi; pink.
Noo certain shair I am, an’ clear,
this darlin’ bud has no’ a peer.
Wis bonnier sicht seen oot o’ dream,
than ramblin’ roses, fragrant, cream?
Lang efter praisfu’ words are said,
an’ wordly marvels seen an’ read,
remains fur us in rhyme or prose:
This angel gift – cream ramblin’ rose.