School Takes up Tomorrow
A young man sterts the schule the morn,
it’s five years past since he wis born.
Brimfu’ o’ confidence is he,
nae apprehension’s in his e’e.
Repeatin’ things he’ll see an’ dae’.
Jist hoo he’ll sit, an’ whit he’ll say.
Big sister’s gein' him clessroom lore,
yhat happens yince he enters door.
His face is beamin’ at the thoucht,
o’ satchel-bag his mammy bought.
New blazer tae, an’ shoes agleam;
This buddin’ scholar shair is keen.
Noo babyhood is far awa’,
(it disnae seem nae time ata’),
a’m hopin’ this wee man’s a’ richt,
He says he winnae sleep the nicht.
A bran’ new life the morn’s at han’,
baith mam and dad’ll see him gang.
Gid luck then, son; aye be as spry,
at schule, an later days furbye.