Ship o’ Dreams
When oor ship comes sailin’in,
my, whit rare ‘twill be again.
Oh, the cheerin’ an’ the din
As we see it safely hame.
Wi’ it’s richly-laden store,
jings! We’ll no’ hauf gang oor miles,
Stacked wi’ happiness galore
Glides the barque, fae land o’ smiles.

Noo, this dreamboat aft’ sails by;
Disnae anchor when it’s telt.
Weary watchers heave a sigh,
gloomy thouchts at times are felt.
Different wishes, different boats,
some crave fame, or cargoed wealth.
There’s sae monny kinds o’ hopes -
Ithers jist want peace, an’ health.
When the boat docks on the tide;
Reaches shore ‘mid hamely scenes,
Shair we’ll hail wi’ thankfu’ pride,
this… oor welcome Ship o’ Dreams.