Tortoise Nae Mair
The bairns are wae at seein’ ye,
an’ no’ ower shair ye dinnae heed.
Stannin’ quietly roon’ tae see
their tortoise – deid.
Oh sae excited a’ were they
when ye arrived the ither week.
Whit fun they had, ye seemed tae play
at Hide an’ Seek.
Lettuce leaves an’ drinks an’ a’;
They made a pet ‘o ye a’ richt.
Brick enclosure – snug an’ sma’,
Fur you at nicht.
They even gied ye fancy name,
puir thing, jist whit went wrang?
Belikes ye were ower far fae hame,
an’ dallied lang.
Hermless cratur’, timid tae,
but pairt o’ scheme fur mice an’ men.
Yer purpose here, a’m bound tae say
escapes oor ken.
Category? Books ca’ ye reptile.
So be it, a’ll jist sae this:
Ye’re gaun, that hamely face awhile,
the weans’ll miss.